Wednesday, September 9, 2015

HomeViewers Selling Tips 3

How to Sell Your Home Faster
and For More Money!

 In the previous issue # 1 & 2, I talked about the interior and exterior condition 
of your home, but one very import thing to consider is a home inspection. 

In the Residential Purchase Agreement _ RPA page 5 # 12 A. it reads as follows.
A. Buyer's acceptance of the condition of, and any other matter affecting the 
Property, is a contingency of this Agreement as specified in this paragraph
and paragraph 14B. Within the time specified in paragraph 14B(1) Buyer
shall have the right, at Buyer's expense unless otherwise agreed, to conduct 
inspections, investigations, test, surveys and other studies ("Buyer Investigations") 
etc.. etc. 

Paragraph 14 B (1) Buyer Has 17 days (or     ) Days AFTER ACCEPTANCE, 
unless otherwise agreed in writing, to: 
Complete all buyer investigations, review all disclosures, reports, etc.. etc. 

This is normally a buyers cost but if you don't want any surprises two weeks
into escrow and or give the buyer an excuse to back out of the sale. An already
done and completed home inspection sets your home apart from the competition 
and puts the (most likely ) first time buyer at ease knowing that a licensed
bonded home inspection service has been completed.

This could be a huge advantage to you as a seller negotiating a good price 
and feeling confident that their will most likely not be any significant 
issues coming up during the escrow process. 

And no this isn't all, While your at it (and most likely the inspection will mention it) 
you might as well get a licensed Termite Company out for a FREE estimate. 
I often hear from a client as I'm preparing their home for sale is "How much does 
it cost to fumigate my home"? 

From previous experience, (and I've closed over 1000 escrows) if you the home 
owner call a termite company direct they already know that in the back of your 
mind your thinking fumigation 

This may or most likely need not be necessary.. when all the property really
 needs is some wood replacement or some dry rot issues. When I call the termite
company to come out on an inspection and between you and me we don't agree
with the report (estimate)  I'll get a 2nd opinion which could be a significant
saving to you. 

Case in point. I recently had an inspection on one of my listings in Cypress which
came in over $ 3500 dollars and mentioned in the report some questionable items
so the seller and I agreed on having a 2nd opinion and it came in at $ 2200 and 
pointed out the questionable issues on the first report where irrelevent .  

Notice To Sellers

I recommend that you DO NOT DISCUSS the following types of information
with any BUYERS / Real Estate Agents, regardless of whom they represent, 
other than your Listing Agent:

1.  Reason for Selling
2. Willingness to consider an offer less than the listing price
3. What price would you accept?
4. Where are you relocating too? 
4. Or any other confidential information..

The best answer to any confidential information is contact my Real Estate Agent
and I'll discuss it along with your offer.