HomeViewers Real Estate News You Can Use
Conventional Loan or an FHA Loan?
The reason you would choose a conventional loan or and fha loan would be based on your own personal situation. Here's how you would determine which loan type is right for you.
Some factors that all lenders consider are: Financial stability and length of time on your job or same line of work:
Debt - to - income ratio: for someone getting a conventional loan is at 43 percent.. and of course your Fico or Credit score. The lowest credit score that a lender will look at is 620 fico.. read full article
Top 5 Mortgage Trends to Keep Your Eye On
Planing to buy or sell this year? You should keep yourself ahead of the latest news and regulations when it come to mortgages.. Conventional or Fha. and increase in single - family home construction and a report by Freddie Mac's Economic and housing Research Group predicts a 2 percent increase in home sale over 2017. However this doesn't mean that inventory has increased much, which has made home prices rise. read full article
6 DIY Projects for Spring
Haven't had much of a winter in my opinion, Seems like we had very little rain (Orange County Ca.) but now is the perfect time to get some of those new projects around your home going. If you're looking for fun and easy ways to add some color and vibrancy to your home. Here are some short suggestions which I'm sure you'll enjoy. read full article
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